Supercharge Your Law Of Attraction.
It’s time to turn up the volume on your Law Of Attraction with it’s supercharged counterpart - “Future Life Progression”.
Future Life Progression may not be a term you have heard of, but, like many up and coming dynamic tools (Yes ChatGPT ..we know all about you) it is already making waves, and is set to be the next most impactful treatment for a full life 360.
As buzzwords go "transformation" is right up there, as well as "re-programming", and the word is out that Future Life Progression is delivering on both counts.
So, what exactly is Future Life Progression?
Future Life Progression (FLP) is a method used to explore the possible future outcomes of a person's life by accessing their subconscious mind. It is based on the idea that our future is not set in stone and that we have the power to shape it through our thoughts, actions, and decisions.
A Future Life Progression practitioner may also refer to themselves as a “Guide” as their role is to simply facilitate and “guide” you on a journey to your future self using tools based upon hypnotherapy methods.
An FLP guide will take you into a meditative state and then, using deep visualisation techniques they allow you to access and discover other possibilities in your future life which you are then able to anchor and bring back into the present time. It is truly powerful stuff and something which is gaining more and more traction as we enter a “new era”.
Some people may say “Isn’t it all a bit “ Woo” though?”
Perhaps, some time back we would have thought so, but with leading banks and corporations now acknowledging that FLP would be one of the ways they use to define up and coming trends in the market perhaps it will not be overlooked and instead taken a little more seriously?
And… with books such as The Secret (having sold a whopping 30 million copies ) and The Law Of Attraction, adorning millions of books shelves worldwide it is safe to say there are many of us fascinated with the science and the magic that can be discovered.
Vision boarding, manifesting, intention setting …. FLP just looks like all of them but with 10 X vibes.
“Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you ar willing to create. ”
If we really want to challenge the power of the law of attraction we need only think of any inspirational and successful Actor, Athlete, Musician or Entrepreneur (to name but a few) and you can bet your life they had already envisioned in some way their desired outcome. There are countless success stories whereby an individual has seen their goals and dreams playout and then go on to achieve the exact same scenario.
Oprah Winfrey and Jim Carrey both spring immediately to mind with their passionate and powerful stories of manifesting and you can listen to Oprah expand about this time and time again.
A young and enthusiastic Oprah Winfrey relays a story of when she had (at the age of 8 years old) discovered the works of William Ernest Henley with his words from "Invictus" .... and the line that opened up a portal of possibility which would stay with her forever :
"It matters not how straight the gate
How charged with punishment the scroll.
I am the master of my fate.
I am the Captain of my soul"
Some pretty powerful words, which, without truly understanding them Oprah had written down and then stuck them on her mirror to reread every day.
And that is The Law Of Attraction in action, but what is the real difference between The Law Of Attraction and Future Life Progression?
I caught up with Future Life Progression Guide Dr Olubunmi Aboaba for her insight into FLP:
“Being able to guide my clients using FLP is one step beyond what I would have imagined possible 5 years ago. This technique allows me to guide people to other portals that are already there within themselves, explore what they are doing, where they are living, who they are with, what that looks like and feels like. We go into a near future, then one five years or ten years from now and really anchor the emotions and environments.
My own experience helped me find the home I am living in now, which I now know was the house from my own FLP session, that’s a story for another time, many aspects of my personal and business life have been made manifest since working with this dynamic tool, it’s like hypnotherapy Supercharged.
The area I truly love to help people with is life after chaos, be it divorce, burnout or addiction. The rock bottom moments where there really is only one way up. FLP Future Life Progression is cooler than cool when you think about it… it literally can give you the HOW to the WHAT which in turn cements your WHY. Then you come back and live it.”
The purpose of FLP is to help individuals gain insight into their future and to identify potential obstacles, opportunities, and paths that they can take to achieve their goals. By accessing the subconscious mind, FLP can reveal hidden beliefs, desires, and fears that may be affecting a person's present life and future potential.
As I wrap up my own little dive into this pioneering new modality I will leave you with some of the highlight reel for The Law Of Attractions big brother - Future Life Progression. Here’s what you can expect:
Clarity and direction:
By visualizing possible future scenarios, you may gain a laser focus on your goals and the steps required to achieve them.
Increased confidence:
By imagining yourself in successful or fulfilling future situations, you may develop greater confidence and motivation to pursue your aspirations.
Reduced anxiety:
In exploring different future scenarios, you may step into a sense of control over their future and reduce anxiety about the unknown.
Enhanced creativity:
The absolute icing on the cake in our new and exciting world… it is by imagining new possibilities for your life, you may become more open and creative in your thinking, which can benefit you in your personal and professional life. Take those shots.
Greater resilience:
By visualizing different future outcomes, you can become more adaptable and better equipped to handle any unexpected challenges or setbacks.
With all of life’s uncertainties perhaps taking a little look into “what could be” is just what we need to keep us motivated and moving forward. With all the new tech that is coming through, maybe Future Life Progression is the perfect accompaniment for our minds as well.
It's important to note that the benefits of future life progression are not scientifically proven, and the practice may not be effective for everyone. However, many people find it to be a helpful tool for personal growth and self-exploration and that has got to be worth adding to the mix of the many wonderful ways we can reach our full potential.
If you would like to connect and experience your own Future Life Progression you can find out more from Olubunmi Aboaba head on over to connect with Olubunmi here